Thursday, August 23, 2007

Aha Moment: 08/23/2007, 5:42 AM

The part of him that got me is the part of him that got me.


M. Knoester said...

I've been trying to figure this out for days now...

he gay said...

lol. Don't feel bad Subtle, it took me 5 years. What I finally understood is that what I found most attractive about my ex BF is the fact that he really, at his core, understood a part of me (the way I think, the way I view things, the way I relate to the world) that few people in my life have been able to see as clearly as he did. Thus, that part that "got" (understood) me is the part that "got" (hooked) me.

M. Knoester said...

ah, gotcha

so to speak... ;-)

Unknown said...

Its like a gay haiku...only deeper...