Thursday, March 01, 2007

What's in a Name

It seems appropriate to start with a few words about the name of the blog.

It's actually a quote from a young black woman who was working at a McDonald's somewhere between Waco and El Paso in the Spring of 1987. It was Spring Break and eight of us were roadtripping from Texas to California. Four days driving for three days of Los Angeles. Tragic, I know.

It was after midnight and we stumbled into McDonald's. We were a moving menace of punch-drunk, sleep-deprived, fraternity boys from Texas. Woohoo! Three of us were gay, roommates, and closeted to the world and each other. Tragic, I know.

As we approached the counter, we all passed a stumbling, red-leather-coat-wearing Michael Jackson wannabe trying to get his drunk ass out of McD's. He was a sashaying mess of dripping Geri curl hair, flailing arms and swinging hips. He was every closeted man's nightmare -- obvious. We turned back to the counter after asked the girl what "that" was.

Deadpan as hell, she said, "he gay."

Sometimes the obvious needs to be stated and re-stated. My goal in this blog is to remind myself of things once known then forgotten, truths revealed then buried.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

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